About Us


AISAP is the Association of Independent School Admission Professionals. In fact, AISAP is the only association that has admission and enrollment management professionals as its sole mission and focus. Our vibrant community of over 3,000 professionals is willing to share experiences and insights in all aspects of independent school and private school admission and enrollment management. With their help, we aspire to inspire and serve every admission and enrollment professional to maximize their impact on the world of education.


AISAP empowers admission and enrollment professionals to positively impact our educational communities and elevate our profession.

Our Vision

AISAP will be the global leader and primary resource in cultivating world class admission and enrollment professionals, advancing the profession as the foundation of institutional success, and creating the conditions for each practitioner’s continuous growth and development.

Our Values

Be extraordinary

We are unafraid to take risks and have an uncompromising focus on impact and excellence

Continuous learning

We are passionate about teaching and learning, embrace a growth mindset and seek to constantly improve and innovate.

Members First

We value our members, and we build a nurture authentic relationships with each one.

Meaningful Connections

We foster collaboration and community among and between all stakeholders.

Inclusive and Diverse

We strive to create and sustain a sense of belonging for all admission and enrollment professionals.

Ethical Conduct

We hold ourselves to high standards of integrity and ethical practice.


Join our vibrant community of professionals and get the information and knowledge you need to advance your institutional mission, work and career.